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The International Scientific Conference of Engineering Sciences and Advances Technologies (IICESAT)
IICESAT It is organized by Iraqi Academic Syndicate - Karbala Branch (IAS), Al-Zahrawi University College (AUC). Conference Aims to bring together all aspects and research works in scientific platform to disscusse the latest and new trends in topics covered under broad areas such as (but not limited to) Enviromental Sciences, Earth and plant, air, water, and earth Pollution, Geography, materials analysis and characterization, Environmental Risk Assessment, Energy, Renewable Energy, Geo-technical earthquake Engineering, Soil and Ground water Treatment Techniques, Radiation, pollution and sustainability, waste Treatment, ..etc. The conference Publication is co-published by AIP Conference Proceeding.
IICESAT All Accepted papers will be collected in the conference proceedings after proper registration and presentation.

AIP Conference Proceedings


CONFERENCE SESSION STARTED : 24 - 25 February 2024

User Statistics



About The Conference Organizers

Keynote Speakers

Honorary Conference Chairs

Scientific Committee

Organizing Committee
- Prof. Dr. Uday Arkan Abbas Al-Jubouri
- A.D. Ahmed Jabbar Obaid Al-Janabi
- Prof. Dr. Ali Mohsen Hussein Al-Yasiri
- Dr.. Alaa Muhammad Zahir
- Dr. Zina Walid Abbas
- Dr. Muhannad Falhi Hammoud Al-Hassani
- Dr. Ali Aboud Al-Jubouri
- Dr. Nadia Majid Hussein
- Dr. Rafe Shaker Abboud
- Dr. Hammam Qassem Hussein .
- Dr. Souad Abdel-Fattah Muhammad
- Dr. Basma Hussein Hamad
- Dr. Heba Abdullah Ahmed
- Dr. Ahmed Khaled Ibrahim
- Dr. Kawthar Ali Khalaf
- Mss. Roa’a Muhammad Hamid Al-Chalabi

Conference Topics
IICESAT-2023 Welcomes Submissions on Original Contributions are solicited on topics covered under broad areas such as (but not limited to):
- Environmental Biotechnology
- Wastewater treatment
- Solid and hazardous waste management
- Energy applications and technologies
- Soil and ground water treatment techniques
- Electrical and Communication Engineering
- Control and Computer Engineering
- Electrical Power and Electrical Machine Engineering
- Computation and Mathematical Problems
- Information Theory, IT and Mathematical Problems
- Construct-ability and Fabrication Techniques
- Construction Materials, Properties and Behavior
- Structural Performance (Static & Dynamic)
- Structural Materials, Analysis and Design
- Hydraulic and Geo-technical Technologies
- Energy and Harvesting Materials
- Optical, Electronic and Magnetic Materials
- Structural and Computational Materials
- Constructional and Engineering Materials
- Applied and Material Engineering
- Bio-mechanics and Bio-materials
- Petroleum and Oil Reservoirs
- Drilling Wells Technology
- Polymers and Complex Fluids
- Thermodynamics, and Heat Engineering
- Geo-technical earthquake engineering
- Plasticity and constitutive Models
- Tunneling and underground structures
- Modeling and GIS Engineering
- Environmental and Data-Model Integration

Technical Partners

Registration Plans
- Access to Conference Proceeding
- المشاركة في جلسات المؤتمر النقاشية
- Conference Participation Certificate
- شهادة مشاركة في المؤتمر - لجميع الباحثين في البحث
- Conference Award from Organization
- درع الابداع والتميز - للبحوث المتميزة في المؤتمر
- Conference Award from Conference
- شهادة تقديرية من المؤتمر للباحث الذي يلقي البحث
- Conference Package
- حقيبة المؤتمر في حالة عقد المؤتمر حضوريا
- Access to Conference Proceeding
- المشاركة في جلسات المؤتمر النقاشية
- Conference Participation Certificate
- شهادة مشاركة في المؤتمر - لجميع الباحثين في البحث
- Conference Award from Organization
- درع الابداع والتميز - للبحوث المتميزة في المؤتمر
- Conference Award from Conference
- شهادة تقديرية من المؤتمر للباحث الذي يلقي البحث
- Conference Package
- حقيبة المؤتمر في حالة عقد المؤتمر حضوريا
Conference Venue
About the City of Karbala, Iraq
Karbala is a very ancient city, it was known since the Babylonian age, it was used as a Christian graveyard prior to the Islamic conquest, some say the date of the city comes from the cities of (Tassoh al-Nahrain) which lies on the river of Balakubass (Old Euphrates), and on its land there was an ancient temple.
Karbala is an Iraqi Islamic Arabic city, it was famous at the pre-Islam age and possesses a various and great history especially when its land witnessed a unique event which is truly one of the noblest epics of martyrdom and sacrifice that was the battle of (Tuf).
Location: the city is located about 105 km southwest of the Capital Baghdad at 32.61°N, 44.08°E, it lies on the edge of the desert west of Euphrates river and on the left side of the (Hussainiya) canal. Al-Anbar province borders the city from its west and north, Najaf province borders the south side of the city; east side of the city is bordered by Babil province and some parts of Baghdad.
Its weather is damp, very hot at summer season, and fair at fall; its lands take the water from the canals of the Euphrates River, the city has many orchards , its has plain lands which made suitable for various agriculture, we can see many fruit trees and palm trees surrounding the city from all sides.
Karbala or Kerbala (Arabic: كَرْبَلَاء, is a city in central Iraq, located about 100 km (62 mi) southwest of Baghdad, and a few miles east of Lake Milh, also known as Razzaza Lake. Karbala is the capital of Karbala Governorate, and has an estimated population of 711,530 people (2018).
The city, best known as the location of the Battle of Karbala in 680 AD, or for the shrines of Hussain and Al Abbas, is considered a holy city for Shia Muslims. Tens of millions of Shi'ite Muslims visit the site twice a year. The martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali and Abbas ibn Ali is commemorated annually by millions of Shi'ites.
Up to 34 million pilgrims visit the city to observe ʿĀshūrāʾ (the tenth day of the month of Muharram), which marks the anniversary of Husayn's death, but the main event is the Arbaʿīn (the 40th day after 'Ashura'), where up to 40 million visit the graves. Most of the pilgrims travel on foot from all around Iraq and more than 56 countries
Al-Zahrawi University College

Conference Gallery (IICESAT 2023)